Fruit trees pear

For the 2024/25 season, we produced a slightly different range of pear trees varieties compared to last year.

Vilijamovka, red Vilijamovka, Abate Vetel, June Beauty, Santa Maria as well as Kaludjerka and Bosk’s Botle. All pear trees are grafted on Ba-29 substrate. For larger quantities, it is possible to negotiate the price and transport. Also, all seedlings have been inspected by the competent agricultural service and have a certificate. Shipping season starts on November 15th. Below you can see descriptions of some other pear trees .


Pear viljimovka is a highly valued English variety. It comes into fruition in early September. William’s is quite large with irregularities on the surface. It is greenish in harvest, which eventually turns golden yellow. The flesh is yellowish, very sweet and juicy. It needs pollinators: Conference, Passecrasane, Bosco bottle

Rootstock: Quince BA-29 and seedling


It ripens 8 days before William’s Day, sometime in mid-August. The fruit is medium to large (150-250 g). The fruit has a beautiful appearance. There is a slightly worse empty and inconsistent taste due to the lack of sugar, and sometimes acid. The smell is very weak. The fruit is of short duration.

Rootstock: BA-29


Pear trees abate vetel is one of the very high quality varieties. It is of medium lush growth with quite thin shoots, which should be thinned by pruning. It bears the most fruit (about 80%) on short fruiting shoots. The fruits ripen for harvest in about 30 days
after William, that is, at the end of September. The fruit is large to medium-sized, with an average weight of 200-250 grams. Pollinators are the variety Vilijamovka, Bosk’s Botle., etc.

Rootstock: Seedling I BA-29


Fruit trees of pear pear are an early winter variety whose fruits ripen in the first decade of October. Fruit quality is highly variable and depends on climatic conditions, soil and fruit size. The flesh of the fruit is semi-soluble, with a lot of stone cells. The taste is inconsistent and a bit astringent. The aroma is weak. Storage capacity is good. It can be stored for up to two months in an ordinary warehouse.

Rootstock: BA-29, seedling


The fruits of the pear tree of the Boskov bottle arrive 36 days after the willow. The fruit is medium to large (180-280 grams). The entire surface of the fruit is covered with a gray-brown, fine rusty coating. It looks attractive despite the rusty upholstery. It has good fruit quality and pronounced aroma. Storage capacity is good, it is stored for 6-7 months in CA refrigerators. After storage, it is necessary to ripen the fruit before sale.

Rootstock: BA-29, seedling


The June beauty is a well-known and appreciated pear variety because of its early appearance birth and regular yields. The fruit is something smaller, weighing about 60 grams, light yellow in color, s nice redness on the sunny side. Meat yellowish in color, sweet, juicy and very aromatic.
It is born in the last decade of June
Pollinator varieties are: Rana Moretini.

Rootstock: BA-29, seedling


It is an Italian variety. It ripens in late July. Store in the refrigerator for up to a month. The fruit is medium-sized (140g), pear-shaped, and greenish-yellow in color, covered on the sunny side with a bright blush. The meat is juicy and soluble, with a sweet-sour-refreshing taste and a very pleasant aroma. It is of excellent quality. Medium lush to lush variety. The crown is broadly pyramidal. It blooms early and is well pollinated by June gold and early baskets. She gives birth early and gives birth abundantly and regularly. It is sensitive to winter frosts and late spring frosts.

Rootstock: BA-29


Carmen pear trees are one of the best new varieties of pear. The tree is very lush, with excellent yields. One of the most sought after and most popular varieties for planting large plantations in recent years. Its fruits are very tasty, with an average weight of about 200 g. The fruits are very resistant and can be stored for up to 2 months in refrigerators. It ripens in mid-August. The tree is very lush, of excellent yield.

Rootstock: BA-29, seedling


Ripening time: Early July.
Fruits: Medium-sized (160 g), pear-shaped, green-yellow in color with a reddish blush on the sunny side. The flesh is firm, juicy, and has a very pleasant taste. Currently, one of the best early pear varieties.

Rootstock: BA-29, seedling